Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I learned everything I need to know before the internet.

It came up in conversation tonight and it hit me like a ton of bricks! It's true. I learned all of my skills before the internet. While visiting with my nephews a few years back I realized we might be in trouble. I mean as a race, you know, humans. They were both in their teens and I was leading a project to build a wheelchair ramp of sorts for my mother. Neither of them knew how to hammer a nail or work a screw gun. It was evident that they couldn't wait to get back to video games and air conditioning. I was besides myself. As a teen I stole my old man's tools and tore down his mower, then his car. I learned how build a wall of wood and poor concrete by working with MY uncle, (who showed me how to roof and build stairs and use a cross saw.) I walked to the store. I caught the bus to the punk rock show. I made my own money. I certainly knew how to drive a god damned nail!!! Look! I'm not saying I know what is wrong with us, as a society,or as a nation. I don't know what to do about Ferguson, or floods in the south, or this campaign debacle. I do know we should all put down our phones every now and then and LOOK UP! Get involved in the world around us. At the very least learn how to take care of ourselves. Build a fire or drive a nail... Just a thought.

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